Family Information Service

Support for children involved in or at risk of crime

Victims and restorative justice

Shapes of foam people in different colours in a circle holding hands

With your permission, we will approach you to offer support if you are a victim of a crime, and where the child is receiving support from our team.

We will talk to you about ways the child could work towards repairing the harm. This is known as a restorative intervention. Restorative interventions encourage children to take accountability for their actions and can provide an opportunity for both you and them to move forward. Examples include:

  • community engagement/community pay-back
  • victim-child mediation
  • family group conferencing
  • financial restitution

We will discuss these options with you as not all may be available depending on your circumstances and those of the child.

With your permission, you will receive regular updates about how the child is engaging with support. This will include an update at the end of their work with us.

Buckinghamshire Youth Justice and Support Team work to the values and expectations of the Code of Practice for Victims of Crime.

The Code of Practice for Victims of Crime in England and Wales and supporting public information materials