Family Information Service

About the SEND local offer

Our special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) local offer sets out the support available in Buckinghamshire for children and young people aged 0 to 25 with SEND.

This includes children and young people with or without an education, health and care (EHC) plan.

We aim to:

  • provide clear, accessible information about available services and support
  • ensure that young people with SEND, and their parents and carers, are listened to when local services are developed and reviewed

You can see the types of support you can get through the SEND local offer, including:

You can also use our directory to see local organisations, services and activities that support children and young people with SEND:

Show me local SEND services

Get involved with the SEND local offer

We want to hear your views on how we can improve the SEND local offer.

You can also contact us if you find information in the SEND local offer that needs to be updated.

To contact us, children and young people with SEND, and their parents and carers, can:

Parents and carers can also contact FACT Bucks, a group of parents and carers who helped us to develop the SEND local offer.

You can see how your feedback has helped us to improve the SEND local offer.

How to access the local offer

The easiest way to see our SEND local offer is to use this website.

You can also access SEND local offer information by:

  • using a public computer in your local library
  • going to one of our family centres
  • asking professionals you work with for help, such as school staff or social workers
  • telephoning BFIS on 01296 383 293
  • emailing BFIS

Read about how we have made our website accessible.

Area wide offer

Our area wide offer sets out the responsibilities and expectations of services, schools and other settings in Buckinghamshire to support children and young people with SEND.

You can see:

Schools and the local offer

Maintained schools, academies and free schools must publish an annual SEN report, which looks at how each school’s SEND policy has been carried out during the year.

You can find school SEN reports on the school’s website, or by searching for your school in our directory.

Show me local schools