Family Information Service

SEND education options and admissions

Home education

A parent or carer can educate their child with SEND at home, rather than sending them to an education provider.

This is known as elective home education.

All children have a right to be educated at home, not just those with SEND.

If your child does not have an EHC plan and you want to educate them at home, you must:

  • tell your child’s school, so they can inform the council
  • contact us if your child is not attending school

We will contact you to talk about the arrangements you are making to educate your child at home.

We will also put you in contact with an elective home education support worker, who will arrange a home visit to discuss your plans.

If your child has an EHC plan, you must:

  • tell your child’s school, so they can inform the council
  • contact us if your child is not attending school

We will then arrange a review of your child’s EHC plan.

After the review, your child’s EHC plan will be updated with any changes, including the place where they will be educated.

We will continue to review the EHC plan annually.