Family Information Service

SEND education options and admissions

Mainstream schools (including PRUs and ARPs)

Mainstream schools work with the council to make sure that:

  • the same level of support is given to all children and young people with SEND
  • they focus on getting the best results or outcomes for children and young people

When considering a mainstream school, it is important to:

  • look at the school’s website to read the information on SEND (this is usually called the ‘SEND information report’ or ‘SEND inclusion policy’)
  • talk to the school about how they help children and young people with SEND
  • arrange a visit where possible to have a look around

Use our directory to find mainstream schools in Buckinghamshire, the link to their SEND information report can be found under SEND support (local offer):

Show me local mainstream schools

Changing from a mainstream school

If a parent or carer thinks that a mainstream school is not right for their child and is affecting their progress, they can ask to change schools during an EHC plan annual review.

This also applies to young people with SEND, who think that a mainstream school is not right for them.

Where possible, when making a decision about changing education provider, the council will seek advice from a panel of professionals called the SEND Placement Panel.

Mainstream schools with Additionally Resourced Provision

To help children and young people with SEND who have additional needs get a mainstream education, some schools are commissioned by the council to provide extra support.

Schools with Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP) are experts in particular areas. In Buckinghamshire these include:

  • speech, language and communication needs
  • communication and interaction needs (autism)
  • hearing impairment
  • physical disability

Use our directory to find schools in Buckinghamshire that offer ARP:

Show me local schools with Additionally Resourced Provision (ARPs)

Pupil Referral Units (PRUs)

Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) are types of school for children who aren’t able to attend a mainstream school.

PRUs might be available to children who:

  • are permanently excluded from a mainstream school, usually for behavioural reasons
  • are experiencing emotional or behavioural difficulties
  • are being bullied
  • missed out on a school place
  • have been diagnosed with special educational needs (SEN), or in the process of getting a diagnosis
  • are suffering from an illness which makes mainstream school unsuitable
  • have a child themselves or are pregnant

Use our directory to find PRUs in Buckinghamshire.

Show me Pupil Referral Units (PRUs)