Health and SEND
Make a compliment or complaint about health services
If you are not happy with the health support your child with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) has been given, you can make a complaint:
Current care or treatments
If your concern is about the care or treatment your child is currently getting, you should try to resolve the issue informally by speaking to a member of staff directly involved with the treatment, or their manager, as this is often the quickest way to put things right.
If you have been unable to resolve your concern through the service, please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).
Compliments and complaints about health providers
Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust and Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
To compliment or complain about health services such as paediatrics, therapies and nursing provided by the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust.
To compliment or complain about health services provided by Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust – such as Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) or continuing care.
Complaints about South Central Ambulance Service
To make a compliment or complaint about South Central Ambulance Service, you can:
- telephone 0300 123 928
- email patient experience
Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
To make a compliment or complaint about Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust (Wexham Park Hospital only), you can:
- telephone: 0300 615 3365
- email PALS
Compliments and complaints about your GP, dentist, pharmacist or optician
You should first contact the practice as this is often the quickest way to put things right and they will have their own complaints procedure.
If that does not work, you can contact NHS England to complain or give feedback.
- telephone: 0300 311 2233
- email NHS England
- by post:
NHS England
PO Box 16738
B97 9PT
If you are making a complaint, please state: ‘For the attention of the complaints team' in the subject line.
The NHS complaints procedure cannot be used to deal with complaints about private medical treatment you have paid for, or events for which you are already taking legal action.
You can also contact Healthwatch Bucks, an independent organisation whose role is to ensure that health and social care services put the experiences of people at the heart of their work.