Family Information Service

Domestic abuse

Get help for domestic abuse

Report it

If you're in an emergency and at risk of harm call 999.

You can contact Thames Valley Police and they'll take the appropriate steps to help keep you safe.

Alternatively, you can contact the National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247 for free support 24-hours a day.

Search for domestic abuse support services

You don't have to wait for an emergency situation to find help.

We have a number of local and national organisations on our directory available to support you if you or someone you know is suffering from domestic abuse.

Search for support services

Bucks Domestic Abuse Partnership (BDAP)

The Bucks Domestic Abuse Partnership website (BDAP) is for both victims and professionals across the county and provides a one-stop shop of information.

  • For victims, support that is available and how to access it if you think you might be experiencing domestic abuse.
  • For professionals, toolkits and guidance to ensure a clear approach to engaging with victims (including children and young people) and perpetrators and to deliver our “tell us once” ethos.

Bucks Domestic Abuse Services

Run by Aylesbury and Wycombe Women's Aid, the Bucks Domestic Abuse Service is a single point of access for all victims in Buckinghamshire to get help and support.

They have a free and confidential 24-hour helpline to anyone living in Buckinghamshire who is currently experiencing domestic abuse and can provide immediate advice. Where appropriate they can also refer you to other services for longer-term support (with your consent).

ManKind Initiative

ManKind offers a confidential helpline for male victims as well and their friends and family. They provide information, support and signposting for men suffering from abuse from their current or former partner.

ManKind can be contacted on 01823 332 244.

SAFE! Support for young people

SAFE! has a range of services to support young people affected by abuse and victimisation through one-to-one and group sessions.


Galop supports LGBT+ people who are victims of a range of abuse including:

  • domestic abuse
  • sexual violence
  • hate crime
  • forced marriage
  • and much more.

You can call their helpline, or refer yourself online if you require support.

Other support available

Further support organisations can be found on Buckinghamshire Council's Domestic Abuse area.