Family Information Service

Living independently

Stay at home with your family

If you would prefer to stay at home with your family rather than move out, that's OK.

To make you feel more independent, you may be able to get extra help from support workers. They will come to your home and lend a helping hand when you need them. Support workers can give you 24-hour care or a few hours a day depending on your needs.

We may be able to help you pay for a support worker, but you’ll need to contact us to get a Better Lives assessment. If you are working, you may need to pay some money towards your home care.

Read more about Better Lives and find contact details for the team.

If you stay at home you may also be able to get some of the following:

Home adaptations

Home adaptations are changes made to your home, so that you find it easier to be independent. For example, this could include wheelchair ramps or safety rails around your home.

Assistive technology

Assistive technology helps you to access a computer or the internet. This can include special keyboards and gadgets that make a computer screen easier to read.

Find out more about getting equipment for your home.