Preparing for Adulthood Transition Guide

A guide for parents and carers of young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
This guide was created in partnership with FACT Bucks, Buckinghamshire Council and its partners to create an information pack for parents/carers with young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The guide is designed to help these parents and carers in Buckinghamshire through the Preparing for Adulthood and transitions process when their young person reaches the age of 14 and above.
This guide aims to help you guide your young person into independence or as much independence as is possible for the young person. It will give information about what to think about, plan and do and what to expect during this time as the young person becomes an adult.
The guide also shares advice and tips that parents and carers have gathered over the years as they may be helpful to you.
Some of the most important things the guide will help you think about is:
- the transitions journey - what to expect and when
- education, training and employment
- health and social care
- independent living
Whatever your child's disability is, there is a life for them that is full of meaning and opportunity.