Preparing for Adulthood Transition Guide

Deputyship and Power of Attorney
A deputyship is a last resort when you lose decision-making capacity, and no one has the legal authority to do it on your behalf.
Power of Attorney is legal documentation that lets you appoint a person to decide matters on your behalf. It is made in preparation for the future before a loss of capacity.
Health and welfare deputyship and lasting power of attorney
Once your child reaches the age of 16 you can apply for Health and Welfare Deputyship/Lasting Power of Attorney (often shortened to POA or LPOA). You can apply if the young person at one stage was able to give their informed consent.
There are 2 types of deputy:
- Property and financial affairs deputy. This is where you will do things like pay the person's bills or organise their pension.
- Personal welfare deputy. This is where you will make decisions about medical treatment and how someone is looked after.
Your teenager's social worker can talk to you about the options you may need to explore and the process of applying for a deputyship. Mencap and People First provide further information on deputyship.
You do not have to become a deputy if you are only looking after your teenager's benefits. You can become an Appointee instead.