Preparing for Adulthood Transition Guide

Supported employment, volunteering and training
This programme supports young people with disabilities leaving education and entering employment. The programme provides training opportunities and a range of different work placements. Examples of the types of roles available include:
- administration
- hospitality
- catering
- portering
- animal care
Organisation: Buckinghamshire Adult Learning
Type: Supported employment and training
Cost: Free
Supported Internship eligibility
The programme is suitable for anyone who:
- is aged 18 to 24
- has a learning disability or autism
- has an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan)
- has an entry-level qualification in English and Maths
Adult learning courses are especially popular with adults with learning disabilities, mental health issues or any other social care needs. The courses include:
- cooking
- budgeting
- art
- drama
- managing well-being
Organisation: Buckinghamshire Adult Learning
Type: Training
Cost: Free for those who meet EFFA criteria. Otherwise, the courses charge a fee. Discounts are available for individuals in receipt of benefits.
Adult Learning courses eligibility
These courses are open to anyone aged 19 and over.
Buckinghamshire council provide permanent employment opportunities to adults with care and support needs. There are currently 16 roles which are filled across social care and business support services. The types of roles available include:
- cleaning
- administration
- catering
- gardening
- receptionist
Organisation: Buckinghamshire Council
Type: Supported employment
Eligibility for permanent employment opportunities
These positions are especially well suited to adults with a mild to moderate learning disabilities.
Buckinghamshire Council provides dedicated supported employment services for adults with care and support needs. The support covers:
- finding training opportunities and building skills
- job searching
- interview skills
- CV writing
- finding volunteering opportunities
- in-work support
Organisation: Buckinghamshire Council Adult Social Care - Day Services
Type: Supported employment and training
Cost: Free for those entitled to a service from adult social care
Supported employment eligibility
This service supports adults aged 18 and over with a care and support needs. Access to this service is by referral only.
Skills for employment, training and personal development programmes are designed to help to prepare young people for the world of work, further education, training and how to live independently (if needed).
You will learn from dedicated tutors, gain work experience in your chosen career path, learn employability skills and get your functional skills qualifications in Maths and English. The programme is designed to prepare you for employment and is tailored around the individual young person.
Courses run from Entry Level 1 up to Level 2 and young people can work towards their chosen career path by adding one of the following units to their qualification:
- Business Administration
- Catering
- Child Care
- Construction
- Health and Social Care
- Independent Living Skills
Programmes are roll on and roll off. This means students can join at any time of the year and run at a training centre in the heart of Aylesbury. They can also be delivered 1 to 1 in the community.
Enrichment activities are also offered at a 6-acre smallholding near Aylesbury, to take part in animal care activities and horticulture projects, as well as driving theory and Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS).
Organisation: Central Business Training
Type: Training
Cost: Students can apply for a bursary payment to cover the costs depending on family circumstances and income.
Eligibility for Central Training programmes
Any young person aged 16 to 18 years (up to 24 with an EHCP).
This is designed to support those young people who are not able to attend the Central Training Aylesbury above.
The programme is made up of 2 or 3 days in a work experience placement each week. It includes 1-to-1 tuition for:
- functional skills Maths
- English
- Skills for Employment Training
- Personal Development
There is also the option of being able to work towards your driving theory and Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS).
Organisation: Central Business Training
Type: Supported Employment and Training
Cost: Students can apply for a bursary payment to cover the costs depending on family circumstances and income.
Eligibility for work and study programmes
Any young person aged 16 to 18 years (up to 24 with an EHCP).
The employment service covers skills development, work experience, supported internships, social enterprise and paid employment. Examples of the types of roles include:
- retail
- agriculture
- horticulture
- IT
- care services
- administration
Support for personal development and building independence is also available. This includes:
- travel training
- budgeting
- employability skills
Organisation: Talkback
Type: Supported employment and training
Cost: Free
Employment Service eligibility
This service is open to anyone aged 16 and over who has a learning disability or autism.
This is an entry-level course designed to support young people to develop independent living skills. Participants work towards a diploma in independent living skills. The programme modules cover:
- employability award
- English and Maths qualifications
- money management
- independent living
- accessing and interpreting travel timetables
- healthy eating
- health and safety
- progression pathways
Organisation: Thomley
Type: Training
Cost: Free
ACHIEVE Lifeskills programme eligibility
The service is open to anyone aged 16 to 25 who has an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan) and/or is in receipt of benefits.
This remote work programme is designed to support anyone aged 16 or over with a long-term condition or disability to develop job skills. Participants can expect:
- to work on important projects within the charity
- Work with modern software such as Microsoft Teams and Office 365
- Individualised programme
- Flexible and inclusive environment
- training and support to learn new skills
Organisation: Buckinghamshire Disability Service
Type: Supported employment
Cost: Free
Reach4Work eligibility
Anyone over aged 16 with a long-term condition or disability
Mission EmployAble work in partnership with Buckinghamshire College Group to offer an annual supported internship programme, which runs from September to July. It focuses on giving young people with learning disabilities the skills needed for a variety of jobs, including:
- hospitality and catering
- outdoor work
- retail
- social care
- administration
Organisation: Buckinghamshire College Group
Type: Supported employment and training
Cost: Free
Mission EmployAble eligibility
Anyone aged 18 to 24 with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan). Entry level 2 in Maths and English is a desired criterion. Applicants should be able to travel independently, work as part of a small team and undertake basic manual tasks.
Eligible adult social care clients are supported and guided to learn new skills and knowledge. The main paid employment opportunities include animal care, horticulture, crafts and catering.
Organisation: Thrift Farm
Type: Supported employment
Cost: Free for those entitled to a service from adult social care
Thrift Farm eligibility
Adults with eligible care and support needs.
The charity offers training and work experience in horticulture for young people and adults with learning disabilities. Activities include:
- beekeeping
- animal care
- gardening
- landscaping
Organisation: Sunnyside Rural Trust
Type: Supported employment, training and volunteering
Social Enterprise eligibility
Adults with eligible care and support needs.
Working Out is a brain injury vocational rehabilitation programme. It helps adults return to work and retain their jobs after all forms of brain injury (including stroke, subarachnoid haemorrhage and cerebral tumours).
The programme provides:
- a specialist brain injury vocational assessment
- work preparation
- trials
- supported placements
- job retention interventions
This may involve a combination of individual work and specialist group programmes. For example a work preparation group, community vocational rehabilitation activities, job club and a placement support group.
Organisation: Buckinghamshire NHS Trust
Type: Supported employment
Cost: Covered by the EHC Plan
Working Out eligibility
Anyone who is aged 16 or above, with a brain injury and who is registered with a Buckinghamshire GP.
Aylesbury Youth Action (AYA) provides volunteering opportunities to young people in Aylesbury. These include regular projects during term time and one-off projects during the school holidays. The charity also offers life skills workshops for any young person aged 14 to 24. These include:
- essay and writing skills
- careers workshops
- employability skills and career progression
- presentation skills wellbeing workshops
Organisation: Aylesbury Youth Action
Type: Volunteering and Training
Cost: Free
AYA eligibility
Any young person aged 14 to 24.
Workaid provide opportunities for people with mild to moderate learning support needs to develop basic workshop skills. These include:
- Cleaning and refurbishing hand tools
- Sorting and packaging haberdashery, crafts and wool
- General administrative tasks
The Hub operates 10am to 3:30pm on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Organisation: Workaid
Type: Training
Cost: There is a small fee per participant. This may be funded by the council
The Hub eligibility
Adults with eligible care and support needs.
The Missenden Walled Garden charity provide day services for people with disabilities or mental health issues. Typical skills development activities include:
- garden maintenance
- music
- art
Organisation: Missenden Walled Garden
Type: Training
Cost: Free if in receipt of a service from adult social care
Missenden Walled Garden eligibility
Adults with eligible care and support needs.
Buckinghamshire Mind provides tailored employment support services for anyone over the age of 18 with a mental health issue. Services focus on supporting people to find their first job, get back into work or remain in employment. Types of support available include:
- 1:1 sessions focussed on individuals
- employment plans and goals
- support and guidance in job searching
- help with CVs
- interview skills and practice
- careers advice
- help with cover letters and application forms
- peer support groups focused on employment
- mindfulness work-based courses
- courses to enhance workplace skills
- help to find voluntary placements
Organisation: Buckinghamshire Mind
Type: Supported Employment
Cost: Free
Employment Support Service eligibility
This is suitable for anyone who is:
- aged 18 or over
- experiencing challenges with their mental health
- eligible to work in the UK
Richmond Fellowship works in collaboration with Healthy Minds to provide employment advice and guidance to people who are experiencing mental health issues. The service offers:
- Information and resources of employment skills.
- Advice and guidance for finding alternative employment
- Basic information on employment legislation and the Equality Act.
Each individual is supported by an employment advisor who will provide tailored support based on agreed goals.
Organisation: Healthy Minds Buckinghamshire
Type: Supported Employment
Cost: Free
Healthy Minds Employment Support eligibility
Suitable for anyone who is in receipt of support from Healthy Minds.
The Animal Antiks charity work in partnership with Haddon Training to provide further education courses, These consist of a range of training and teaching placements. The courses cover animal and equine care, employability units (levels 1 to 3) and functional skills in English and Maths.
Work experience placements (from a day per week up to 2 full weeks) are also available.
Organisation: Animal Antiks
Type: Training and supported employment
Cost: Covered by the EHC Plan
Animal Antiks eligibility
Suitable for young people who struggle to learn in a structured classroom environment.
MK Snap provides education and work experience opportunities to people who are aged 16 and over with a learning disability. The charity offers 22 courses including catering, work training, enterprise and gardening.
Organisation: MK Snap
Type: Education and supported employment
Cost: Covered by the EHC Plan
MK Snap eligibility
People aged 16 and over with a learning disability.
The Autism Teaching Company (ATC) provide support to young people with autism to build skills for the workplace. This includes working with employers to support the recruitment and retention of employees with autism.
Organisation: Autism Teaching Company
Type: Supported Employment
Cost: Covered by the EHC Plan
ATC eligibility
Young people with Autism.