Preparing for Adulthood Transition Guide

When things don't go to plan
If you feel as though things are not going to plan for your child, or if you are unhappy with decisions that are made you can do the following:
- Ask for a meeting with your child's social worker, school SENCO and Headteacher to discuss your concerns.
- Contact the Bucks SENDIAS Service for impartial, confidential advice.
- Talk to other parents and carers for advice and guidance.
- Make a formal complaint.
You also have the right to a SEND Tribunal. This is an independent review of a decision made by the Local Authority. You can make an appeal for a tribunal if there has been:
- a refusal to carry out an EHC (education, health and care) needs assessment, or a refusal to reassess
- a refusal to issue an EHC plan
- a decision to cease to maintain an EHC plan