Post-16 education and training
Working or volunteering while training or studying part-time
After you have left school at 16, you can combine training or studying for a qualification part-time with working or volunteering. You can work or volunteer for up to 20 hours a week.
The work you choose does not have to be a paid role. It can be voluntary or a work experience placement in a career or industry that interests you.
Many different colleges and training providers run part-time courses.
You can find volunteering opportunities through Do IT. You can search by interest, activity or location and then register your interest online.
Starting an internship
An internship is a kind of work experience. It may last between one week and 12 months. Internships are unpaid and are often undertaken by young people, students, or graduates who are looking to gain skills and knowledge relevant to a career path.
Find information about how to find an internship in the UK and abroad and how to apply for them on the Prospects website. You will often need to provide a CV and covering letter to apply.
In Buckinghamshire, you can find internship and work experience opportunities on the Buckinghamshire Skills Hub website.