Family Information Service

Local projects for young people

Youth projects in Buckinghamshire including youth councils, project funding and support for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Youth Voice

The Executive Committee come together to tell senior leaders from the council about youth issues and undertake programmes of work to improve local services

SEND Youth Projects

Projects and events for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Buckinghamshire.

We Do Care (WDC)

The council's 'Children in Care Council' giving young people in care and care leavers the opportunity to have their voice heard

Interview panels

Interview panels involve young people in the recruitment of local job roles that affect young people. A great way to learn new skills and get an accreditation

Youth Voice Bucks (YVB)

The Youth Voice Bucks (YVB) website brings together opportunities for young people to have their say, information for professionals, and examples of good participation work.