Family Information Service

Autism Toolbox for parents and carers

Eating with Autism

Young girl looking at food with disinterest

Eating problems are common in autistic people and can feel difficult to understand and manage. Issues such as:

  • eating very few foods
  • not being able to eat at school
  • going long periods of time without eating and pica (eating non-foods)

Health for Kids

Health for Kids provides advice and guidance about eating.

Health for Teens

Health for Teens provides advice and guidance about eating.

Buckinghamshire Healthcare

Buckinghamshire Healthcare occupational therapists offer free webinars to provide advice with sensory processing differences and eating.

The National Autistic Society

The National Autistic Society provides guidance to help you address common eating difficulties for those with autism.


Pathway for eating disorders and autism

Pathway for eating disorders and autism developed from clinical experience (PEACE) aims to improve understanding and awareness of eating disorders and autism. They also promote inclusive eating disorder treatment.