Family Information Service

Autism Toolbox for parents and carers

Other useful resources

Blackboard with resources written in white capitals

Websites with resources for parents and carers.

Health passport template

A health passport provides important information about individuals with a learning disability and/or autism. This can include any medical conditions, medication, personal details, communication information and care and support requirements.

You can use the template to ensure the hospital has all the information they need to support your child if they need to go to hospital.

Ambitious about Autism

Ambitious about Autism Right from the Start parent toolkit toolkit contains a wealth of information to guide parents and carers through their child’s journey in the early years.

The Parent's Portal by Autism Early Support

An interactive community of support, resources and guidance, available 24/7.
Their Parent’s Portal will help you with what you need to know and when you need to know it.

The portal is designed for parents who:

  • have an autistic child or children
  • recognise differences in their child and are exploring neurodivergence

The Witherslack Group

The Witherslack Group provide education and care to children and young people, resulting in life-changing experiences and countless stories of success. They have a range of resources for Special Educational Needs, including autism.

ADHD Foundation | The Neurodiversity Charity

The ADHD Foundation is the UK’s leading neurodiversity charity, offering a strength-based, lifespan service for the 1 in 5 of us who live with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, DCD, Dyscalculia, OCD, Tourette’s Syndrome and more.

The National Autistic Society

The National Autistic Society provides advice and guidance for autistic people, their families, community and healthcare professionals with the most accurate, up-to-date information.

Special Needs Jungle

Special Needs Jungle provider news, information, resources and informed opinion about special educational needs, disability, children’s physical and mental health, rare disease. Campaigning to #FixSEND

The PDA Society

Information about how PDA relates to autism, what demand avoidance is, and identifying and diagnosing PDA.

PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) is widely understood to be a profile on the autism spectrum, though it is still at an early stage of understanding and PDA research is in its infancy.

Autism Central

The Autism Central resources section signposts you to information on various topics around autism and support.