Family Information Service

Early Years and Childcare

Childcare in the holidays

Holiday activities and childcare options for children over the school holidays

Early years pupil premium

Extra funding to support your 2, 3 or 4-year-old’s education if you’re receiving benefits or a child is or has been looked after by the council

Get help finding childcare from the Brokerage Service

Free help finding suitable childcare under 5s and young people up to 25 with a Special Educational Need or a Disability

The five health checks for babies and children

The five health checks that all babies and children should have from birth to two and a half years.

Supporting your child's early education

Things you can do in the early years and beyond to help your child’s learning and development, including trusted advice from NHS Start for Life.

Childcare help for service families

How service families in the UK or overseas can access 15 and 30-hours childcare, Tax-Free childcare and Universal Free-School-Meals

Early years information for providers and settings

Dedicated website for childcare and early years providers and those looking to become a childcare professional

Making a complaint about your childcare provider

What to do if you're unhappy with your childcare provider or you think a child is at risk

Childcare Sufficiency Assessment

What we're doing to make sure there's sufficient childcare in Buckinghamshire outlining any gaps and our plan to address these

Find out what's on this Easter school holidays